Monday, May 27, 2013

Caste System in India - my view

Caste is a stigma in today's Indian culture and society. The thousands of years of practice of caste system which was based on pure logistics of the society then, is manipulated along the way and now has become an issue.
If observed closely, ANY aspect of the ancient Indian system is not created just for the sake of fun. The society was divided into various categories to take care of various needs of the community living. If history is touched on this subject, there are four groups in the Indian caste system. I say history because today the original groups are disintegrated and now they are left in the society as a few 'names' sometimes used for political nonsense or some selfish motives.

These groups were

1. Kshatriyas - their job was to maintain security. Internal and also external peace is their business. Maintaining law and order in the society was in their hands. Every community has to be bound on certain rules for peaceful living. The duty of the Kshatriyas was to make sure that certain rules and regulations are followed in the community. When outsiders attack the community, stand in guard and make sure that the community is safe. These were the warriors of the community.
2. Brahmins - this group is given the responsibility to give support to the community through spiritual propaganda. Man is a social animal. Every human psychologically depends on something to grow strong in heart and hold on to when crisis strikes. Faith and belief are the two pillars of a community's existence. Brahmins were to make sure that the community stays together through regular meetings in temples, maintain faith so that a sort of bond is built among the community. Brahmins were the brain of the society. They helped forming laws for human existence. They, along with other community leaders formed rules and regulations for the society to follow. They were the heads of spirituality. They explained the rules of living and norms of the society as prescribed in vedas.
3. Vysyas - without economy, there is no existence of society. Even bartering had some rules. For a community to flourish and progress, Vysyas, the business people, made sure that goods are bought and sold. Whether barter system or invention of money, this group made sure that the people work and work and work for something to buy, possess, and were always busy.

4. Sudras - This group was involved in the maintenance of the hygienic part of the community. This group was exposed to germs and bacteria. Due to the non availability of personal hygiene products, (today's commonly known - Dettol, Lifebuoy etc) this group was kept away from the social activities. Primarily from the temples, which were the main community gathering places, with a fear of contamination and unknown contagious diseases.
This  thousands of years of practice came into question in late 20th centuary. The reason was, over the years, the Indian sub-continent faced many invasions, religiously and politically, that made the community shut down and close up its fists on intellectual thoughts. This caused a gap between groups. Nobody were allowed to question the system. Just follow, maintain and exist. Leaders were scared that any discussion may lead to an alternative thought which may give chance for the other religions/faiths to enter the system and corrupt.

Unfortunately, this resulted in the loss of invaluable knowledge and deterioration of the system itself. As the knowledge was lost, new leaders failed in answering new questions raised along with the changing times. Without the ultimate wisdom, sustained for thousands of years, the system could not support the invasion of new thoughts. As the wave of change engulfed the inquisitive minds of the new generation looking at the new direction, the system finally collapsed.

A new society started forming on the old ruins. But the old could not be forgotten. Some selfish mortals used the old caste system to develop new thoughts. Unfortunately, these were not for the good of the society. These new thoughts didn't support peaceful community living.

After WWII, actions were taken by the government and NGOs to bring out a difference in the society and culture. This happened because of economic revolution in the West and its influence in the living conditions in India. No longer the family businesses or passing down skills to the next generation were maintained. People were given choice to choose their profession and move about. The institution of Joint Family seized to exist. All this questioned the existence of caste system.

Is it possible to erase the entire caste system? Is it possible to change the thousands of years of mindset? If so, for what? 

The question should be why? Why do we have to change the caste system of Hinduism? Like in any other religion or faith, which are known to have diverse thoughts of faith, like Catholics, Protestants, Seventh-day Adventists etc etc of Christianity, or Sunnis and Shias of Islam, and like many other faiths and beliefs on this earth, Hinduism has few diversed ideologies. Why is it a big issue?

Sometimes, past is very much brought into the discussions with passionate accusations on society where certain castes are pointed out as deprived and under-privileged. These are simply politicized and manipulative senarios to divert the focus to pain and other psychological emotional issues from the real matters in hand. 

If history is brought into every discussion, then there shouldn't be any harmonious existence of muslims, christians or any other faith in India as all are brought in and none were existed a thousand years ago. The caste system discussions were done completely without any knowledge of the vedic period. In a secular country like India, any previlage to any one section of the community is criminal act. The constitution says, equality. But the political wing brought in reservation system for their own selfish reasons. 

It is a laughing scenario to say SCs were deprived of many things. Wasn't India as a whole deprived of freedom a century ago? If SCs were so deprived, how come the country has a constitution put together by a SC, Ambedkar? How did he survive, how did he studied law, how did he lived so freely? All the politicised drama to manipulate the entire country by a few educated at that time which is still continuing. 

After a few decades, today's scenario will become history, and there will be new accusations and new fights over the rights from a different section of the community who will be labeled as Deprived.

Can anything be done for India from this self destruction pattern which was designed and implemented by a foreign authority in fear that India may grow up to be the most powerful after its independence and will become more wealthier than it? 

Time to think rationally for the country's over all progress with an onward focus.