Sunday, October 14, 2018

My story - living And fighting depression

#NotAshamed  This is my story.

I believe personally that "It's ok" should be limited to the  condition but not being in that state. I personally believe that There should be a purpose, even forced, to keep mind engaged in finding solutions or active.

20 years ago after my baby was born, I went into depression.  Those days, when I explained, my doc told me to try to rest. My question, how? As i was restless constantly. Sleeping tablests no solution as i have a baby. My mom said, I am thinking too much. About what? I didnt know. My mil said, I am having too much luxury and need to indulge more in family work. How much more? I already feel exhausted. My friends said, I should take control of my house. Why? To achieve what? I was damn confused that non felt right.

A few times I cried so much that my whole body suffered with pain. My husband got so irritated that he went into silence for months. My personal and professional life affected.

Sometimes, I knew I was acting irrational and illogical. I had a baby in my hands in a foreign land. Few friends, no relatives,  work pressure, and personal goals. I was looking for solution. I met a few  at doc's place in same condition. But they irritated me more as non had any solution. We were all in the same boat. Sharing was good enough to know that the condition exist. I am not alien. We all knew that it's not ok as our lives were not ok. Some expressed thoughts of suicide or strangling their crying babies or partners who tried to show sympathy or hadn't eaten for days n physically getting weak which was another major concern! I had a few of my own scary illogical thoughts. No, it was not ok. I went into cocoon. It was not at all comforting. That cocoon was hell. I was trapped. I thought Probably we may not get back 100% of what we were. But a solution must be found. Quick.

After this, I lost many relations. I lost many friends, I regained control over my life, I understood triggers, I understood patterns, I understood my life. All through a kind of constant search of better experiences in everyday life.

After a few years when my life was toppled and my new structured life went down the drain because of no fault of mine, my new gained insight into life, mine and others, though philosophical, helped me and others to maintain or get back our lives to live and thrive.

I agree that it is a personal journey. However, the whole society should be able to identify the "symptoms" of depression and give support to that life. I believe then we can definetly called ourselves modren, developed and evolved society. One thing for sure, Family and friends plays a major role. Period. Medical solutions with chemicals can play only a small part.

Even today, One major research is required to understand "why" is depression very common now a days. If anyone says, only people are expressing now, I don't agree. I have my reasons to prove that. But I think a research on "why" must go deep down with multi-angle study.

Hope to see light for betterment of mankind.